Excerpt from the Phoenix-Journal 53: IF THERE BE “WILL” THERE BE “WAY” – TANGLED WEBS VOL. IX
FRI., AUGUST 21, 1992 10:30 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 5
Dharma, I also ask that we make note of the fact that within the Conspiracy to rule the world you have the House of Rockefeller on one side and the House of Rothschild on the other. They become completely and totally intertwined down the middle by the Order of the Illuminati, Club of Rome (Committee of 300) at the summit coming down through the Council of Thirteen, the Bilderbergers and Higher Council of 500, Atlantic Council (connected by the Federal Reserve via the Council on Foreign Relations on the Rockefeller side to the Royal Institute for International Affairs on the Rothschild side). Then coming on down the line you have the World Court and World Bank into the United Nations and feeding into and out of to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and down to the Communist Party U.S.A. Each category herein listed have their own offshoots such as the fact that THE ORDER (Chap. 322 “Skull & Bones”[Bush’s club]Yale)comes on the Rockefeller side of the charting and on that same side is the Grand Druid Council out of the Council of Thirteen. In like mirror-image is THE GROUP (Rhodes-Milner Round Table [Oxford] and The Kahila out of the Council of Thirteen).
Moving on down, for instance, and feeding directly into the United Nations is the Council on Foreign Relations out of the Rockefellers and the Royal Institute for International Affairs from the Rothschilds. I realize that this is confusing and scrambled. What you must retain, however, is that all are working toward the same goal–TOTAL SUPREMACY AND POWER (RULE OF THE WORLD–PHYSICAL). So, please with this in mind, let us share this excellent explanation in hopes you will take it, copy it–do anything possible to extend the information to all who will read or hear. Do not “pick” on tid-bits–if only a tiny, tiny portion be fact–it is enough to destroy your entire global hope of survival.
Credit to: Carl Gorton.
The largest, most powerful criminal organization in the world is not the Mafia or Cosa Nostra, it is not the drug cartel, it is not the Red government of Russia or China or Cuba, it isn’t even the IRS (which many may dispute). These are only a few of the thousands of parts which comprise Mystery Babylon the Great, and which make her so mysterious to the world over which she reigns. To describe any part of Babylon, such as New York City, as all of Babylon, is not to see her at all. It is like the blind men who were asked to describe an elephant. Each one described it according to the part he touched; a snake, a tree trunk, a wall, etc.
The brain, or control center of the Babylonian world system is comprised of the hidden, cabalistic crew of International Bankers who own and control the Federal Reserve and the other central banks of the world. They will be referred to hereinafter as the Anti-Christ Banksters, or ABs. The life-blood of this harlot is the wealth of the world stolen through the operations of their central and commercial banks.
The political and economic systems of the nations, whether ‘democracies’ or dictatorships, are not controlled ‘by the people and for the people’ but rather ‘by the ABs and for the ABs’ . The principle by which this power is acquired and maintained was set forth by the founder of the Rothschild dynasty of ABs, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 200 years ago when he said:
“Permit me to issue and control a nation’s money, and I care not who makes its laws”.
What this translates to is simply that we now have the best Congress that money can buy!
The simple, but brilliant scheme to enslave whole nations by controlling their money systems was facilitated by keeping the people ignorant about money–the most important thing people must understand in order to be free. As John Adams said in 1787:
“All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation”.
This is exactly the situation which exists today in America because, as George Santayana said in 1905, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. Of course, we can not be expected to remember the past if we do not know the past. Therefore, one of the first objectives of the ABs was to gain control of our education system. This was accomplished simply by obtaining controlling interest in the companies that publish our high school and college textbooks on history and economics.
As a consequence, the knowledge necessary for us to be economically and politically free has been kept from us and our nation is being rapidly gobbled up by the ABs. This situation was prophesied by Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence when he said:
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered”.
Jefferson, along with Benjamin Franklin and James Madison adamantly opposed the plans of the New York ABs agent, Alexander Hamilton, to establish a private central bank for the U.S. like the Bank of England. However, after Franklin’s death in 1790, Hamilton succeeded in bribing enough Congressmen to have Congress grant a charter to the ABs in 1791 for “the First Bank of the United States” for a period of twenty years. Having lost his battle against the ABs, Jefferson said:
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken from the banks, and restored to Congress and to the people, to whom it belongs”.
When the charter expired in 1811, a wiser or more honest Congress refused to renew it. What followed was the War of 1812, in an effort to reestablish the rule of the Bank of England over us, as was the case before our War of Independence.
Now, you may be shocked at hearing such seemingly incredible claims, but they only seem incredible because these details about the real causes of historical events were carefully omitted from our history books.
There is far more to the story, and much worse, but to gain a comprehensive understanding of how this criminal system developed requires an overview of history which, even though greatly condensed, is quite lengthy. Therefore, we will interrupt the historical narrative to provide an explanation of the mechanics of how the criminal scam called ‘fractional reserve banking’ works to enslave the people caught in its insidious trap.
In the first place, most Americans believe that our government creates our money in accordance with Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution which states; “The Congress shall have Power…. To coin money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin,….” This most important power of government was again surrendered by Congress, in 1913, to a private corporation called ‘The Federal Reserve’. It is no more Federal than Federal Express and is no more a reserve than a bucket without a bottom. Yet, more than 9 out of 10 Americans ignorantly believe that it is a government agency. The actual owners of the Fed will be named later.
The process by which the ABs conquer nations economically is simply unbelievable because it is unbelievably simple. Here is how it works: First, they seduce the political authority to grant them monopoly power to issue the nation’s money as debt at interest (usury).
Second, they create the money OTA (out of thin air) as a book or computer entry when they loan this bank credit to the government and corporations in exchange for interest-bearing bonds, and to individuals in exchange for title to their property.
Third, when there is no unencumbered property remaining to collateralize more loans and there is insufficient money to repay the loans, the victims are foreclosed.
I need to take leave at this time, chela, so please allow us a break. We shall continue at the point of THE BEST KEPT SECRET, for reference if we get distracted.
SAT., AUGUST 22, 1992 8:45 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 6
(Continued from 8/21/92)
Thank you to Carl Gorton, The Revelator. Blessed are the “Truth-bringers” for they offer FREEDOM.
QUOTING: (Continued)
[(ABs): Anti-Christ Banksters]
The reason that the prior sequence is inevitable is that it is the best kept economic secret in the world. Here it is. When the ABs and their associates (your friendly local banker) create the money as a bookkeeping entry to make a loan, say *1000 (* = Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Dollar FRAUD) for one year, the interest (usury) on that loan, say 10%, or *100 is NOT created and, therefore, can not be paid!
When the bank credit is put into circulation, it increases the money supply and generates increased economic activity throughout the society. When the principal is repaid, the bank credit is eliminated and economic activity is reduced accordingly. If it stopped there, we could have an honest and potentially stable money system.
But then comes the rub. Since the interest amount was not created, it remains in the economy as a bank claim on someone’s property. Why? Because in order to pay the *100 interest (which was not created) on the first loan, someone had to borrow it into circulation. Thus, an unending cycle of debt is instituted with the inevitable eventual result being that title to all real wealth in the nation is owned by the ABs. This is the reason why our farms, homes and factories are being foreclosed by the thousands every week! It is also the real reason for inflation, which has reduced the ‘dollar’ to about 10% of its value in 1940!
All of our money, except for our coins and the few remaining U.S Notes, has been borrowed (OTA) [out of thin air] into circulation as debt! About 95% of this debt exists as bank deposits (check book money) and about 5% exists as Federal Reserve Notes. There is not enough money in circulation (called M1) to pay the *3,000,000,000,000 (plus) [Now over 4 trillion], let alone the *7,000,000,000,000 (plus) [by bunches] private debt! Talk about balancing the Federal Budget is just that–talk. If the Federal Government, under this criminal Babylonian money system, did not continually borrow more Federal reserve bank credit into circulation, we would have no medium of exchange!
Furthermore, this debt exceeds the value of all the real estate in America, which is pledged to pay it. Therefore, we are now legally bankrupt!
In the words of Robert Hemphill, for many years credit manager of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta:
“If all bank loans were paid, no one would have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of currency in circulation. This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic money, we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp upon the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible–but there it is. It (the money problem) is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it is widely understood and the defects remedied very soon”.
The enormous, criminal power of the Fed was exposed by Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency in 1933, before the Abs finally succeeded in murdering him after two unsuccessful attempts. he wrote:
“Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its powers, but truth is … the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everything here (Congress) and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will”.
Hopefully, you now have the picture and understand the mechanics of how this criminal money system works. However, in case someone doesn’t comprehend this scam, let’s have an object lesson.
Probably everyone is familiar with the game of Monopoly, which has a very appropriate name. However, its rules are those of a make-believe world. But with a few simple rule changes we can make it resemble the real economic world:
First, count all the money available (for example, $8,000).
Second, loan, not give, an equal amount ($2,000) to each of four players.
Third, instead of each player collecting $200 from the bank every time he passes GO, he pays $200 in interest to the bank.
Now you should know who will win every game. If not, play it according to these rules and find out. But then, perhaps you, along with thousands of other Americans every week, have already lost the real life game and know who the winner is. Always.
If you learn nothing else from this dissertation, learn this: If you are in debt, you are not free, you are a bond slave. Even if you have no personal debt, as a U.S. citizen your share of the National Debt is over *20,000 [H: In 1992 it is between $40,000 and $45,000] and whatever property you think you own is pledged to pay that debt. As the Bible states in Proverbs 22:7, “The borrower is servant to the lender”.
The manner in which bondslaves were to be controlled was put forth in ‘The Bankers Manifest’ of 1934.
“Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law, applied by the central power of wealth, under control of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capital to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd”. [H: Oh no, chelas, THIS IS EXACTLY VERBATIM WHAT IT SAYS!]
DID YOU GET THAT? All other issues take a back seat and are secondary to the question of money! We have been divided into a thousand different camps ranging from anti-Communist to anti-racist and neutralized by waiting for the rapture, or boozing with the boob-tube. What is your favorite diversion? That is, if you have any time left after working more than six months every year for the ABs and their government. It’s a safe bet that you don’t study history, or money, which, to re-quote Robert Hemphill,
“… is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it is widely understood and the defects remedied very soon”.
In order to understand how the ABs acquired their absolute power over the nations, it is necessary to understand some history which has been omitted from our history textbooks. This knowledge is also necessary so that we do not repeat it–again!
In the beginning, there was no money and there was no civilization. Every man obtained his own necessities of life; food, shelter and clothing, through his own efforts. This was probably the only period in history (other than in Eden) that man was truly free and independent. However, this was a very difficult, dangerous and insecure lifestyle.
Eventually, there developed a system of exchange of goods and services which we call barter. In this economic system every man benefitted because he would only trade something he had for something that was of greater value to himself. For instance, if Jim had ten potatoes and Bill had ten fish, they could trade five potatoes for five fish and each would have a complete meal for his family.
It was soon realized that, by specializing, a man could produce a given commodity much more efficiently and trade his surplus with other specialists to obtain all of his needs. Thus, everyone who efficiently produced something which many people needed or wanted could make a very comfortable living.
The value that each man placed on his own produce was primarily a function of the time he spent to produce it, plus what he spent for raw materials and tools.
It was soon realized however, that barter was a very inconvenient system and, fun though it might be, consumed much time in bargaining over the value of commodities. After all, every man values everything differently from every other man and at different times and places.
Eventually, the use of certain durable commodities, such as gold and silver, became popular trade. Civilization began to develop as more men became specialists and an increasing variety of goods was produced for both production (tools) and consumption. The use of gold and silver bullion as media of exchange, although far superior to trading cows and corn, was still somewhat difficult, because their weight and purity had to be determined. Weighing them was relatively easy with balance scales but determining purity was quite difficult. These problems were overcome with the introduction of coins, which were certified by the issuing authority to be of the weight and purity stamped upon them.
As wealth increased, one of the trades that developed was that of making gold jewelry, or goldsmithing. Because goldsmiths dealt in large quantities of gold, it was necessary for them to have secure vaults, or safes, in which to store their valuable commodity for protection from theft.
Other people who acquired significant amounts of metallic money, especially merchants and craftsmen, also required security for their money. It soon became common practice for them to ‘deposit’ their money with the goldsmiths for a small fee. In return, the goldsmith would give the depositor a receipt for the amount of the deposit. A depositor could then give his warehouse receipt to a supplier in payment for goods, rather than transferring the metal itself. This method of payment was so convenient and simple that it soon became common practice. Thus was born the business of banking.
The shrewd goldsmiths in Babylon soon realized that, of all the gold deposited with them, only a small percentage was reclaimed each month with the warehouse receipts they had issued. As wealthy men, they were often asked for loans. As shrewd men, they were soon lending out as much as 90% of the gold placed on deposit with them, typically requiring that four talents of gold be returned to them in one year for every three they loaned, an interest rate of 33 1/3%!
Since there was a limited amount of gold in circulation, they soon ‘cornered’ the market on gold and became the richest men in Babylon. Their descendants still are and are referred to in Revelation 18:23: “For thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (Pharmacia = drugs) were all nations deceived”. People who are drugged (poisoned) with alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, medicine, sugar, chlorine, fluoride, TV, government, ‘education’ and ‘religion,’ have short-circuited brains and simply cannot think logically. If you are having difficulty understanding this, hopefully you now understand WHY!
With virtually all of the gold in their possession, the goldsmiths could loan out their ‘warehouse receipts’ for amounts totaling more than ten times the amount of gold actually in their vaults and charge interest (usury) on something which had cost them virtually nothing (clay tablets were very cheap).
When this debt money was created and circulated in the society, it caused a temporary increase in trade and the production of real wealth until the loan was repaid. However, when the money was created, the amount of the interest was not created and the ultimate result was a net reduction of money in circulation, causing depression and foreclosure, unless, of course, more money was loaned into circulation.
Thus was born ‘fractional reserve banking’ and the system of usury which today rules the world. This is the lifeblood of the system identified in Revelation 18 as “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT”.
Occasionally, the people holding these ‘gold certificates’ would get wise to the fact that the goldsmith did not actually have enough gold on deposit with which to redeem his certificates. This would result in a ‘run on the bank’ and his sudden demise, unless he had previously escaped with his hoard of gold.
Being shrewd, the goldsmiths recognized this little thought, they decided to bring the king in as a ‘partner’. After all, the king was always in need of gold to support his concubines and palace guard. Thus the king was only too happy to provide government sanction and protection for this racket in exchange for greatly discounted interest rates, even lower than the prime rate. But the shrewd goldsmiths thought that government protection might not be sufficient. After all, the police couldn’t protect them 24 hours a day.
Since the king was also god in the combined state religion of Baalism, the Abs decided that it would be safest for them to practice their black art under cover of religion. After all, there might be many who would revolt against slavery and risk imprisonment or death; what’s the difference? But few religionists, even though enslaved, will challenge ‘authority’ and risk eternal torment by being ‘excommunicated’. Thus, many ABs became BAAL Priests and practiced their banking scam in the temples within the complete trinity of Government, Religion, and Banking (GRAB) which rules the world today as a Great Mystery to the deceived ‘goyim’, especially Christians, who are their prime target.
The beginning and rise to world dominion of this Babylonian system is detailed in the Book of Daniel (Bible). The gold standard was established by King Nebuchadnezzar when he erected a monument of gold on the Plain of Dura and commanded that everyone bow down and worship it. This was about 500 BC when the Israelites from the southern Kingdom of Judah were in Babylon as captives. Apparently, all but four of them complied with the King’s orders, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshak and Abednego.
This is not too surprising, since the Israelites had previously shown a strong proclivity for gold at the very foundation of their nation. While encamped at the foot of Mt. Sinai, after being led out of Egyptian slavery, Moses went up to the mountain to receive the Law from God. When he returned, the Israelites were worshipping a golden calf.
Daniel was given a vision of the Babylonian succession of world powers. The vision was an image of a man with a head of gold, representing Babylon itself, arms of silver representing Medo-Persia, body of brass, representing Greece, and legs of iron, representing Rome. The feet were of mixed iron and clay. A stone “cut out without hands” was to come out of heaven and destroy this system by striking it in the feet, “at the time of the end” after it secretly gained control of the world, therefore becoming “MYSTERY, Babylon the Great, the whore that sitteth upon many waters (nations) committing fornication with the Kings of the earth”. (Rev. 18:3)
Archaeological searches have uncovered much evidence of Babylon’s social and economic systems which were very similar to ours of today. For instance, the Igibi Bank was found with thousands of clay tablet ‘notes’ and interest (usury) bearing contracts which served as their money.
Babylon loaned much money at interest (usury) to Persia which, of course, Persia could not repay. Therefore Persia conquered Babylon to eliminate its debt and acquire Babylon’s gold.
Persia adopted the Babylonian usury system and loaned Greece much money at interest (usury). Greece, of course, could not repay the debt and conquered Persia to eliminate its debt and acquire the gold in Persia.
Greece adopted the Babylonian usury system and loaned Rome much money at interest (usury). Rome, of course, could not repay the debt and conquered Greece to eliminate its debt and acquire the gold in Greece.
After the fall of Imperial Rome, the various nations of Europe were kept in bondage and poverty by the ABs for many centuries, known as the Dark Ages.
In his book Lincoln Money Martyred, Dr. R. E. Search said:
“When the Babylonian civilization collapsed, 3% of the people owned all the wealth. When old Persia went down to destruction, 2% of the people owned all the wealth. When ancient Greece went down to ruin 0.5% of the people owned all the wealth. When the Roman Empire fell by the wayside, 2,000 people owned the wealth of the civilized world…. It is said at this time less than 2% of the people control 90% of the wealth of America. [H: I would guess it to be far less than that number–say, less than 13 to 15 families and they all through the Committee of only 300.]
Now that you know some history (His Story) do you detect a pattern in the affairs of men and nations? Do you begin to understand that wars are created by the ABs, whom Christ called PHARISEES and accused them of shedding all the innocent blood from the time Cain killed Abel? Now you should understand why Christ was crucified only three days AFTER He threw the moneychangers out of the Temple. Now you know why “The love of money is the root of all evil”. (I Tim. 6:10)
Was there ever a time when men were free of the usurers yoke of bondage? Yes, and it was a glorious period that lasted for nearly six centuries and provided nearly ‘utopian’ conditions for the working people in England and, for shorter periods, in the other European nations. This period is known as the Renaissance, but the reason for it is a carefully kept secret. Why? Because the revelation of this knowledge would again result in the banishment of the ABs and a flowering of debt-free freedom.
In 1100 A.D. Henry I became King of England and found the treasury empty. The supply of gold and silver coin had mostly gone with the Crusaders to Palestine and a medium of exchange was urgently required. Rather than seeking loans from ABs, Henry issued into circulation for payment of government debt, or as receipts for goods and services rendered, marked pieces of wood called tallies. [H: Pay close attention, readers, we have written of this before. You are going to find, when Col. Gritz gets into the Presidency–that your supply of gold and silver has been confiscated and smuggled out of your country and into the coffers of the Elite ABs–mostly residing in Basel, Switzerland under the control of Khazarian Zionists–remember those “British-Israelis” that we wrote about? I suggest you go look up that information ASAP.]
These sticks varied in size from about four inches long up to 8 1/2 feet long. The longest represented 50,000 pounds sterling (a pound sterling was originally an actual pound of silver). [H: I would hope that Gritz will look carefully at this method again–before monetizing the highway system of America. Please, honored Patriots–point out this method to him before such complicated monetizing is undertaken in “free America” following Senate, Banking and House CLEANING.] Notches were cut into the side, the width of the notch representing the value, in pounds, and the amount was written on two sides. The sticks were then split and one half paid into circulation, debt free. They were readily used by the people in trade, because they derived their value from the fact that they were receivable in payment of taxes. When the tally was presented for payment of taxes, it had to exactly match, that is tally, with the half retained in the treasury, called a foil. Forgery was nearly impossible. Silver coins continued to circulate also.
[H: Col. Gritz has asked ones to apply for positions in his Government if you fit qualifications under the Constitution. I believe that I shall herein apply for the position of Chief Advisor. Would you readers pass this on, please. You can stop asking GOD to send you free solutions and “do it for me” methods of “intervention”. HE HAS SENT YOU WHAT YOU NEED IN ANSWER TO YOUR PETITIONS–USE IT!]
Usury (interest), being strictly prohibited by Scripture, was also prohibited by both the Christian church and government. However, there were those who continued the evil practice until they were banished from England in 1290 A.D. With an honest and convenient money system, an English working man could supply his family’s needs for a year by working only 14 weeks! This left a great deal of leisure time available for intellectual, religious and charitable pursuits. This is the reason that the incredible cathedrals of England and Europe were built completely with volunteer labor. Do you think that is amazing? What is really amazing is how this information, essential to our freedom, has been so successfully kept concealed from us!
This tally money system continued to operate in England until 1783, when it was abolished by statute. [H: And, just guess WHO pulled off that maneuver while no one watched?] Nevertheless, tallies continued to be used in rural areas until 1826.
The death knell of the tally system was sounded in 1694, when the King, William of Orange, granted a charter to William Paterson and his AB associates to establish The Bank of England as a fractional reserve central bank with monopoly power to issue bank notes at interest (usury). This date, 1694, is the most important date in American history, for the Bank of England has had a direct bearing on every major event in America since before our War of Independence.
* * *
Let us break this chapter at this point for I want to next take up what happened at the opening of America.
SAT., AUGUST 22, 1992 10:46 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 6
(Continued from 8/22/92 #1)
When the Pilgrims came to America, they did so with an abundance of faith and determination, but a dearth of knowledge concerning economics and human nature. They initially instituted a system of common ownership or ‘communism’. As a result, over half of them died of starvation and disease. Quickly learning their lesson, every man was allotted his own parcel of land on which to grow his own food and build his own home.
With little money available, the primary means of exchange was barter. Gradually, some foreign coinage came into the colony and facilitated trade. However, as the economy of Massachusetts quickly grew, due to its hardworking people, natural resources and free enterprise, the need for a medium of exchange became acute.
Knowing about England’s tally system, Massachusetts issued debt-free paper script into circulation in 1690. Despite problems that developed with this invention, due to there being no standard of value, the economy flourished with full employment. Other colonies adopted this system in varying degree and prospered also.
During this period, there was no official banking system. A few ‘Loaning Offices’ were maintained by the Colonies, but less than thirty private lending institutions existed in all 13 colonies! Today, they are more numerous than churches! THINK ABOUT THAT!
There have been many reasons put forth for the American colonies separating from England, their mother country, and the most powerful nation on Earth. Most of these were listed by Thomas Jefferson in The Declaration of Independence. The first two of these read as follows:
“He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good”.
“He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend them”.
What were these “most wholesome and necessary” laws that were of “immediate and pressing importance”? Again, a knowledge of true history is necessary to understanding. If you’ve guessed by now that the ABs were involved, you are absolutely correct. The roots of our War of Independence was the issuance of their own paper money by the colonies, beginning with 7000 pounds issued by Massachusetts in 1690, and culminating with the issue of ‘Colonies’ by the Continental Congress.
In 1763, Benjamin Franklin was in England. He was asked to explain why the colonies were so prosperous while England was suffering. He replied:
“That is simple. It is only because in the Colonies we issue our own money. It is called ‘Colonial Scrip Land we issue it in the proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry”.
The Bank of England soon learned of this situation and forced parliament to pass a Bill prohibiting the Colonies from issuing their own money. Franklin said,
“Within one year from that date the streets of the Colonies were filled with the unemployed.”
Later, Franklin said that this was the original cause of the War of Independence. In his own words:
“The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the Colonies that money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction”.
Yes, the laws referred to by Jefferson were primarily ones to provide for relief of the economic chaos then existing because of the Bank of England’s usury money system that had been imposed on the Colonies.
Rothschild supplied some of the financing for the War through his agent Haym Solomon who operated through Robert Morris. This may seem contradictory to the uninformed, but it is a basic strategy for the ABs to instigate war and finance both sides, especially if it involves Christians killing Christians! The Rothschild fortune began when Mayer Amschel Rothschild provided the Hessian mercenaries for King George to kill American patriots.
All of the loans that the Continental Congress obtained were insufficient to totally finance the war. Furthermore, under the Articles of Confederation, Congress had no authority to impose taxes or issue money. Nevertheless, since desperate situations require desperate measures to correct, Congress began to issue the debt-free money known as ‘Continentals’.
Knowing, as long before Lenin expressed it that, “The surest way to destroy a nation is to debauch its currency”, the English proceeded to bring in shiploads of counterfeit Continentals which, combined with Congress’ inability to tax them out of circulation, caused them to depreciate to practically nothing by the end of the war. But they had served their purpose and were the means by which we were able to obtain our liberty! Rather than being denigrated they should be revered as much as our Declaration of Independence.
This brings us to the post-war period which was covered briefly in the beginning. Having fought and won a bloody war against overwhelming odds, the politicians then surrendered our hard-won freedom to the same cabal of ABs who had brought on the war, by granting them a charter for the First Bank of the United States. We were free from their control for a mere 15 years. The ABs agent through whom our slavery was re-established, Alexander Hamilton, was an Englishman from the West Indies whose real name was Levine. He took the name of this step-father after his mother divorced and re-married. However, he claimed to be the illegitimate son of Hamilton, which was much more socially acceptable at the time than being a Jew.
Hamilton was probably the leading authority on finance and banking at the Constitutional Convention which, along with his leadership of the New York delegation, gave him considerable influence in matters pertaining to money. The Constitutional provisions limiting our government to a metallic (specie) system, combined with the power “To borrow Money on the credit of the United States”, are the Achilles heel of our Constitution.
The original phrase was “To borrow Money and emit bills on the credit of the United States,” which was the same phrase written into the Articles of Confederation by Benjamin Franklin. But Governor Morris said, “…the Monied Interest will oppose the plan of Government, if paper emissions be not prohibited.” Thus was the trap set for us to again become slaves of the ABs. Remember “the borrower is servant to the lender.”
These provisions then enabled Hamilton, especially as Secretary of the Treasury, to lobby for and bribe Congress into granting the Charter for the First Bank of the United States in 1791. Thus did America snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and again enter into the debtors prison owned by the ABs.
Alexander Hamilton was a thousand-fold more a traitor than was Benedict Arnold, yet Hamilton is revered as a great patriot.
Thomas Jefferson understood the Achilles heel of our Constitution. He said:
“I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution. I would be willing to depend on that alone for the reduction of the administration of our government to the genuine principles of its Constitution; I mean an additional article, taking from the federal government the power of borrowing”.
The Coinage Act of 1792 defined a ‘dollar’ as 371.25 grains of .999 (fine) silver and 24.75 grains of pure gold, establishing a bi-metallic standard at a ratio of 15 parts of silver equal to one part gold.
The Mintage Act of 1837 again defined the dollar as 371.25 grains of fine silver but reduced the dollar of gold to 23.22 grains of pure gold, a new ratio of 16 parts silver equal to one part gold.
In 1873, a “trade dollar” was established at 378 grains while a dollar in gold was retained at 23.22 grains, changing the ratio to 16.28 to one. But a defacto gold standard was established.
In 1878 the Bland-Allison Act restored the fine silver content of the dollar to 371.25 grains and the silver/gold ratio of 16 to one.
The Gold-Standard Act of 1900 placed us completely at the mercy of the Abs who control the world’s gold. (They ‘fix’ its price every day in London at the offices of N.M. Rothschild and Sons). While retaining silver as legal tender, it eliminated the bimetallic standard which had precluded the ABs from completely controlling our currency.
Returning to the War of 1812–after winning the war the U.S. was in bad economic condition. But Congress again turned our victory into defeat by chartering the Second Bank of the United States which was virtually a clone of the First Bank of the United States.
When Andrew Jackson became President in 1829, he declared war on the ABs. He told them in scathing words, “You are a den of vipers and thieves and I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out.” [H: Ah, good! Sounds just like Gritz to me and yes, indeed, he CAN DO IT IF YOU ELECT HIM PRESIDENT!] He vetoed renewing the Bank’s charter and in his message to Congress said:
“The bold efforts that the present bank has made to control the government, the distress it has wantonly caused, are but premonitions of the fate which awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it. …if the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system there would be a revolution before morning”.
Jackson removed U.S. funds from the Second Bank of the U.S. and placed them in state banks. He also eliminated the national debt. It is a sheer miracle that he was not assassinated. An attempt to kill him was made on Jan. 30, 1835, by one Richard Lawrence with two pistols. Both misfired. [H: And you still think God does not hear your petitions for “the way”?] Lawrence was tried and found innocent by reason of insanity. However, he later boasted of his contact with European bankers who had promised to protect him if he were caught.
The ABs continued their nefarious efforts to establish another central bank without success. Nevertheless, they were able to create confusion and chaos in our money system through the state-chartered banks. However, they despaired of again establishing a central bank through which they could control the entire U.S.
Thus was hatched the plot to conquer by dividing the U.S. into two nations. The ABs decided to instigate a war between the North and the South over the slavery issue. The London branch of the Rothschilds financed the North (in part) through their agent, August Belmont (Schoenberg) and the Paris branch financed the South through their agents, Judah P. Benjamin and John Slidell.
However, the ABs, thinking that they had Lincoln at their mercy, overstepped themselves. When the Union requested loans from the private banks to conduct the war, the ABs demanded 28% interest. This angered Lincoln and he proceeded to have Congress authorize, in three issues, a total of $450,000,000 worth of U.S. Notes, called ‘Lincoln greenbacks,’ which were paid directly for goods and services required for the war. These issues of debt-free money not only saved the Union but would have destroyed the power of the ABs.
The London Times, an ABs paper editorialized:
“If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in the North American Republic, shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
Lincoln said of the ABs:
“The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes.
“I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the financial institutions in the rear. Of the two, the one in my rear is my greatest foe”. [H: Indeed, now you know the thrust of the “Liberator” number one. Abolition of slavery was only an “issue”–the Liberator and Garrison got in constant and horrendous trouble by efforting to inform the people of the sure destruction of civilization by the Anti-Christ Banksters. So, you who think history is repeating itself and your fingers are worn and calloused–your sleep restless and your driving need to inform the brothers–is thine legacy to again effort to do your job properly and come into success–THIS TIME. GOD walks with you, little ones of Truth–GOD WALKS EVER WITH YOU! Dharma, the evil enemy managed to slay that Patriot–it shall NOT happen again.]
In July 1862, the infamous Hazard circular was circulated among American bankers by the London ABs.
“Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power and chattel slavery destroyed. This I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European plan shall control labor by controlling wages. This can be done by controlling the money. The great debt (national) that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war, must be used as a means to control the volume of money. To accomplish this the (war) bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting for the Secretary of the Treasury to make this recommendation to Congress”.
Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury, and Congress succumbed to the pressure of the ABs. The National Bank Act of 1863 was the result. The ABs again gained the power to create our money as debt, but not exclusively so.
Later, Chase repented of his action, saying:
“My agency in promoting the passage of the National Bank Act was the greatest financial mistake of my life. It has built up a monopoly which affects every interest in the country. It should be repealed, but before that can be accomplished, the people will be arrayed on one side and the bank on the other, in a contest such as we have never before seen in this country”.
In a letter to the London branch of the Rothschild ABs, Congressman John Sherman of Ohio said:
“The few who can understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system is inimical to their interests”.
Writing about the National Bank Act in 1872, Horace Greeley said:
“We have stricken the shackles from four million human beings and brought all laborers to a common level, not so much by the elevation of the former slaves as by practically reducing the whole working population, white and black, to a condition of serfdom. While boasting of our noble deeds we are careful to conceal the ugly fact that by our iniquitous money system we have nationalized a system of oppression which, though more refined, is not less cruel than the old system of chattel slavery”.
In order to protect their money monopoly and prevent the expansion of the honest, debt-free money system instituted by Lincoln, he had to be eliminated. And so he was. John Wilkes Booth was a member of The Knights of the Golden Circle, a secret society which was controlled by the ABs, as are virtually all secret societies today. They can be identified by the promotion of the ABs deceptive religious philosophy: “The Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God”. This subject will be covered at some future time.
Bismark, Chancellor of Germany, made the following statement regarding the death of Lincoln:
“The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots, and (The ABs) went anew to grab the riches of the world. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America, and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. They will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos in order that the earth should become their inheritance”.
Bismark was ‘right on the money’.
* * *
Let us leave the work for a rest period. I release you for other activities. It is good to take renewal rest. We are making good progress. We will continue on this subject while urging ones to read, study, think and relate to that which our beloved patriot son, James Gritz, promises by contract–to DO FOR THIS NATION AND CITIZENS– WITH you. DO NOT ASK THESE ONES WHO BEND TO THE TASK TO DO IT FOR YOU!
MON., AUGUST 24, 1992 9:52 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 8
From THE REVELATOR, by Carl Gorton:
With their increased power, the ABs managed to implement their ancient scheme of establishing a “gold standard” in the U.S., as well as in several European nations at about the same time. This was accomplished by bribing Congress to pass the Coinage Act of 1873 which became known as ‘The Crime of ’73’. This Act, while providing for the mintage of a new silver “trade dollar” of 420 grains of standard silver, was only made “legal tender” for payments not greater than five dollars, thus effectively demonetizing silver and destroying the Constitutional bi-metallic standard.
The ensuing monetary crisis forced Congress to pass the Bland-Allison Silver Act of 1878 over the veto of President Hayes. This act remonetized the dollar of 412.5 grains of standard (.90) silver by repealing its legal tender limitation of five dollars. The mint was ordered to coin between two million and four million dollars per month and to exchange them for silver certificates on demand. The infusion of this debt-free money into circulation caused the economy to flourish.
The ABs could not tolerate this situation since it reduced the demand for their bank credit and enabled the people to pay the otherwise unpayable interest on their mortgage. Thus, the ABs inaugurated a propaganda campaign promoting the ‘gold standard’ during the rest of the century, culminating in the heated Presidential campaigns between McKinley and Bryan in 1896 and 1900. Bryan, who made the famous statement, “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns–you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold”! lost both elections due to the frantic efforts of the ABs.
The Gold Standard Act of 1900 was passed by Congress on March 14, stating; “That the dollar consisting of twenty-five and eight-tenths grains of gold nine-tenths fine…shall be the standard unit of value”. Thus was enshrined the ABs ‘Golden Rule’, ‘He who owns the gold, RULES’. The ‘master plan’ of the ABs for establishing their rule over the world contains this statement:
You are aware that the gold standard has been the ruin of States which adopted it, for it has not been able to satisfy the demands for money, the more so that we have removed gold from circulation as far as possible. [H: Perhaps it is as well that the ABs have removed all the stores of gold from your reserve vaults for this may in the long-run keep you from again basing your money on that standard for gold, alone, is not the point–as long as the ABs set the price of gold you are trapped!]
We will have more to say about the master plan.
With the Gold Standard firmly in place, the ABs took aim on their greatest prize: a Central Bank. In order to generate popular support for banking reform, the ABs created the panic of 1907. Congressman Charles Lindbergh, Sr. (Father of “The Lone Eagle”) said, “The money trust caused the 1907 panic and thereby forced Congress to create a National Monetary Commission”.
The National Monetary Commission was established by Congress following the Panic of 1907 for the purpose of finding the faults in our economy and proposing corrective legislation. Senator Nelson Aldrich was named as chairman, thus assigning the fox to guard the hen house. After two years of high living in Europe at taxpayers’ expense, ‘studying’ the European banking systems the commissioners returned to the U.S.
Aldrich was grandfather of the Rockefeller brothers, and was the namesake of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, the notorious Governor of New York, employer of Henry Kissinger and patron saint of Richard Nixon.
Another member of this commission was Jacob Schiff of Kuhn-Loeb and Co. who had helped to finance the bloody Bolshevik Revolution in Russia to the tune of $20,000,000. Schiff was born in the house which his family shared with the Rothschilds in Frankfurt, Germany.
Immediately after the commission returned from Europe, Aldrich called a secret meeting of Rothschild agents. These men met on November 22, 1910 at the Hoboken, N.J. railway station and boarded Aldrich’s private parlor car with shades drawn. Their destination? The private hunting club of J.P. Morgan and associates at Jekyll Island, Ga. Their mission? To draft the document that would undermine the Constitution of the U.S. and enable the ABs to become the absolute master of America.
The chief architect of this plan was Paul Warburg of Kuhn-Loeb and Co. who was sent from Frankfurt, Germany to accomplish this task, as a Rothschild agent. His salary was $500,000 per year! [H: In those days half a million dollars was astronomical!]
Because of the importance of the Federal Reserve in controlling our lives today and the voluminous information available from private researchers, the temptation is strong to expand this article into a book. Space does not permit. However, for the reader who would like to have more detailed documentation on the subject, [H: I suggest you get the JOURNALS dealing with the Federal Reserve, etc. I recommend the JOURNAL over the book to be stated because of the additional information included.] SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE, by Eustace Mullins, whom we believe to be the world’s leading authority on the Fed. [H: Eustace Mullins’ book can be obtained, I believe, through America West as well. We did not utilize the book directly from Mullins because all information since the writing of his book on the subject–has been taken directly FROM that one book by that same author. Because of this fact, I do not recommend any other book on the subject other than our own–which has our own input regarding the information with no other intent than “truth” as foundation–not investments, not “how to”–just facts. I made the point that I honored Mullins above the author of the book in use–because it was a direct copy of information from Mullins–at the time of the writing of our information on the subject in point. Please remember: OUR BOOKS (JOURNALS) ARE EXACTLY THAT—JOURNALS–dated material, as ours is NOT TO USURP ANY OTHER’S WORK BUT MERELY TO INTEGRATE THE BEST OF ALL PRESENTATIONS FOR YOUR OWN CONFIRMATION AND READING. YOU ONES DO NOT LONGER HAVE THE “TIME” FOR HUNTING AND SEARCHING HIT AND MISS FOR INFORMATION OF TRUTH INSTEAD OF DISTRACTION. WE CAN SELECT THAT INFORMATION FOR YOU AND SAVE MAMMOTH AMOUNTS OF RESEARCH TIME. OUR SUGGESTION IS ALWAYS TO READ IT ALL IF YOU CAN FIND THE TIME–BOTH ERRORED AND ACCURATE–BUT YOU ARE TRULY RUNNING VERY SHORT UNDER THE BEST OF CIRCUMSTANCE, OF “TIME”.]
We will not detail the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act, which has been amended more than 200 times. Suffice it to say that Congress had no authority whatsoever to turn its power to issue our money over to a private corporation, especially one whose Class A Stock is owned primarily by alien ABs. Nevertheless, they did so, with large majorities of those voting in both houses violating their oaths of office.
The Federal Reserve was established by the Owen-Glass bill when it was passed by the Senate (43 to 25) on December 22, 1913 and the House of Representatives (209 to 60) on December 23, 1913. It was immediately signed into Law by President Woodrow Wilson. It has since been called the Federal Reserve Act and the private central bank which it established is called, simply, ‘The Fed.’ When the bill passed Congressman Charles Lindbergh, Sr. said:
“This Federal Reserve Act established the most gigantic trust on Earth. When the President signs this bill the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalized”.
The lengths to which the ABs went to insure passage of their Treason Act knew no bounds. For instance, to insure that their agent Woodrow Wilson would become President, they financed Teddy Roosevelt and his “Bull Moose” Party to split the Republican Party and defeat Taft.
Twenty years later, Congressman McFadden said, “The sack of the United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history”. Indeed, it was.
Congressman McFadden, as chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee for over ten years, was the foremost Congressional authority on the Fed and fearlessly exposed their criminal activities. But his efforts to destroy the Fed could not overcome the power of the ABs. However, his warnings are even more pertinent today than when he spoke to the 1930’s. Speaking to Congress he said:
“Mr. Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the Fed. The Fed has cheated the Government of these United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the Nation’s debt. The depredations and iniquities of the Fed has cost this Country enough money to pay the National debt several times over.
“This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of these United States, has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the defects of the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Fed and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.
“Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are not Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders. In that dark crew of financial pirates there are those who would cut a man’s throat to get a dollar out of his pocket; there are those who send money into states to buy votes to control our legislatures; there are those who maintain International propaganda for the purpose of deceiving us into granting of new concessions which will permit them to cover up their past misdeeds and set again in motion their gigantic train of crime.
“These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this Country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us our hospitality by undermining our American institutions. Those bankers took money out of this Country to finance Japan in a war against Russia. They created a reign of terror in Russia with our money in order to help that war along. They instigated the separate peace between Germany and Russia and thus drove a wedge between the Allies in the World War. They financed Trotsky’s passage from New York to Russia so that they might assist in the destruction of the Russian Empire. They fomented and instigated the Russian Revolution, and placed a large fund of American dollars at Trotsky’s disposal in one of their branch banks in Sweden so that through him Russian children were flung far and wide from their natural protectors. They have since begun breaking up of American homes and the dispersal of American children.
“Mr. Chairman, there should be no partisanship in matters concerning banking and currency affairs in this Country, and I do not speak with any.
“In 1912 the National Monetary Association, under the chairmanship of the late Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, made a report and presented a vicious bill called the National Reserve Association bill. This bill is usually spoken of as the Aldrich bill. Senator Aldrich did not write the Aldrich bill. He was the tool, if not the accomplice, of the European bankers who for nearly twenty years had been scheming to set up a central bank in this Country and who in 1912 had spent and were continuing to spend vast sums of money to accomplish their purpose.
“We were opposed to the Aldrich plan for a central bank. The men who rule the Democratic Party then promised the people that if they were returned to power there would be no central bank established here while they held the reins of government. Thirteen months later that promise was broken, and the Wilson administration, under the tutelage of those sinister Wall Street figures who stood behind Colonel House, established here in our free Country the worm-eaten monarchical institution of the “King’s Bank” to control us from the top downward, and to shackle us from the cradle to the grave”. [H: In a prior Journal in earlier point, we give you ALL of McFadden’s speech–incredibly worthy of your attention in full.]
After McFadden was disposed of, the ABs continued their program of mass murder by instigating World War II, Korea and Viet Nam, bleeding America both literally and financially. Hundreds of books have been written by expert authorities detailing the treasonous activities of AB agents in the White House and Congress. Virtually all of these books have been suppressed. Occasionally, by miracle or accident, a true expose’ will reach our library shelves, only to be quickly removed. [H: Ah yes indeed–shades of our very own paper and JOURNALS.]
In this overview of monetary history we can not provide much detail, but serious students have a virtually unlimited amount of information available, primarily from private sources and publishers. However, we will take the time to show how the stage was set for World War II. The roots of the war go back to the end of World War I and the Versailles ‘Peace’ Treaty.
Hatonn to stand-by.
MON., AUGUST 24, 1992 2:47 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 8
From THE REVELATOR, by Carl Gorton:
One of the favorite examples of ‘fiat’ money or ‘printing press inflation’ which the ‘gold bugs’ or ‘sound money’ advocates use to condemn government issued paper money is the inflation of the German Mark after WW-I. They do so as either ignorant dupes or deceiving agents of the ABs.
The true story of this crime against the German people was detailed by Gertrude M. Coogan in her book “Money Creators”, as follows:
“The World War ended in 1918. As of March 31, 1919 (just before the ‘Peace’ Conference was called and the Versailles Treaty signed), the price levels of Germany were only 117% higher than they were before the World War began. This was a smaller price rise than had actually taken place in the United States. The public debt of Germany from the beginning of the World War until March 31, 1919, had increased one hundred thirty billion Marks. In terms of dollars that would be, roughly, thirty billion dollars. The United States had increased its own public debt to a similar amount.
“The German financial structure was not in any condition whatever to warrant the destruction of the currency, if that had not been the planned intention of the international money lenders.
“Under the terms of the Versailles Treaty, practically all of Germany’s gold was taken away from her, together with 75% of her iron ore deposits and mines. All of her colonies were taken away and about 25% of her other physical property. The terms of this Treaty were diabolical. They were directed to destroy the real German people. From the time of the signing of the Treaty in June 1919 until the beginning of 1922, the international money powers who were in control of the Reichsbank and the German Government, were manipulating to gain control of actual physical property in Germany. They went so far as to get the banking laws of Germany drastically changed, so that they could borrow unlimited amounts from the Reichsbank and purchase physical property with the knowledge that the loans could later be repaid with worthless currency.
“To give one some idea of the volume of currency that was turned out in Germany, one has only to note what happened to the price levels of Germany. Remember that during the war the German price levels had not increased as much as they had in the United States. In 1920 the price level in Germany increased 1500% over the pre-war level; in 1921 it reached 3500% over the pre-war level, and by October 23rd, when the currency became worthless, it was 709 billion percent over the pre-war level. In other words, predatory internationalists had printed private marks and forced them into the money stream with the avowed purpose of destroying the money system of Germany. That meant the destruction of all insurance policies and mortgages owned by the real German people. [H: Without efforting to unduly alarm you–where do you think you are in the U.S. with mortgages and insurance?]
“The international bankers had prepared themselves. They had obtained control of the physical properties and could later pay loans, many of which had been manipulated through the privately owned Reichsbank, with worthless money.
“The inflation in Germany was misnamed. It was not a German inflation. It was a private money issue inflation, perpetrated by international schemers.
“The inflation was not a government money inflation. It was an inflation of private Reichsbank notes. The officers of the Reichsbank–a privately owned institution–were responsible for issuing money in sufficient volume to destroy the entire banking structure and make all of the money of Germany worthless.
If you are wondering why the Germans accepted such devastating terms, it might have something to do with the fact that, among the dozens of ABs agents at the conference, Paul Warburg, Vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve, was advising the American delegation, while his brother, Max Warburg, who had been chief of the German secret service, sat across the table advising the German delegation.
The Germans, not being exactly stupid, knew to whom they had sold their homes, farms and businesses for what quickly became bags of worthless marks. Consequently, when the little corporal appeared pointing a finger in the right direction, he became quite popular. Seeking to control Hitler, the ABs initially financed his rise to power. However, after achieving power, Hitler double-crossed the ABs and instituted a debt-free money system. This enabled Germany to go from being an impoverished nation to becoming the most powerful military nation on Earth in less than five years. Hitler had to be destroyed. And so he was. But in order to do so, it was necessary to involve the U.S. in the war before the Nazis (National Socialists) in Germany could destroy the Communists (International Socialists) in Russia. If our leaders had been acting in our best interests we would have let the socialists destroy each other and then picked up the pieces.
Most Americans now know or suspect that the Japanese were instigated into attacking us at Pearl Harbor as Roosevelt’s ‘back door’ method of involving us in the war, which most Americans opposed. As planned, Russia was the real victor of WWII. England supposedly declared war on Germany because of Hitler’s invasion of Poland. But Roosevelt and Churchill treasonously connived with Stalin to turn, not only Poland, but all of Eastern Europe as well as East Germany over to Communist Russia.
Lest the uninformed reader take offense at our charges against FDR, perhaps two statements of his will create some enlightenment. In a personal communique to Stalin of Feb. 6, 1945, FDR said, “I hope I do not have to assure you that the United States will never lend its support in any way to any provisional government in Poland that would be inimical to your interests”. But credit must be given to FDR for making one of the most forthright revelations ever made by an Abs agent, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, it was planned that way”. Was Pearl Harbor ‘political’?
We, and these captive nations have paid dearly ever since. The only real difference between them and us is that we, for the most part, do not yet realize that we, too, are a captive nation. However, this realization will happen suddenly with the next AB’s harvest. It will make the Great Depression appear to have been a Sunday School picnic by comparison.
The power of the ABs is now so great and their control so complete that they regularly expose themselves and their plans to a deluded and befuddled public. But only as fiction, through their publishing and entertainment empires in New York and Hollywood.
One such example is “Captains and the Kings” by Taylor Caldwell, a well-informed, patriotic Christian author. This story is a thinly veiled account of the Kennedy klan but deals with the real power behind the public puppets. The ABs were so impressed with this excellent, fictionalized revelation of their power that they made a major TV miniseries out of it.
The ABs derive a great deal of pleasure from slapping us in the face with the truth, knowing that our ignorance, gullibility and penchant for DENIAL would prevent us from seeing the truth. Their thought control over the minds of Americans via the media is now so great that we respond to their “crisis management” like a pack of Pavlov’s dogs salivating at the sound of a bell.
In her foreword to “Captains and the Kings”, TAYLOR CALDWELL WRITES:
“This book is dedicated to the young people of America, who are rebelling because they know something is very wrong in their country, but do not know just what it is. I hope this book will help to enlighten them.
“President John F. Kennedy knew what he was talking about when he spoke of the ‘Gnomes of Zurich’. Perhaps he knew too much! Coups d’etat are an old story, but they are now growing too numerous. This is probably the last hour for mankind as a rational species, before it becomes the slave of a “planned society”. A bibliography ends this book, and I hope many of my readers will avail themselves of the facts. That is all the hope I have”.
As interesting as her book is, the most important part of “Captains and the Kings” is the bibliography.
The ABs did everything possible to conceal their identities as owners of the Fed, primarily through the use of interlocking directorates. One man, Eustace Mullins, who has been victimized by ‘the system’, undertook the selfless task of researching the entire subject. His book, “Secrets of the Federal Reserve” reveals in detail his findings and include many organizational charts of the interlocks and connections. The following list includes most of the major families: Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Schroder, Schiff, Morgan, Lehman, Lazard, Harriman, Gould. [H: If you have time and assets to avail yourself of this book, please do so. It is the source of information in great measure of the “Committee of 300” conspiracy book by John Coleman. Also, there is ample information we integrated on the subject from material received from New Zealand collected by E.J. Hart but originally published as a document of a committee in which L. LaRouche had major input. This same sharing giant has sent documents regarding the New Zealand betrayal by a new “Act” controlling the Reserve Bank. I have chosen to NOT print those documents in point–because Hart has been subjected to incarceration with intent to commit to a mental institution, for his writing on the subject. It is far more relative to the U.S. than you are going to want to face—with the same “Banks” familiar to you ones, in point. I believe at this time it is still too dangerous to print the material so I shall hold it a bit longer. I am asked constantly WHY I pressed you to get the book on the Committee of 300 by Coleman. I did so and continue to do so because it integrated these various informational resources and I didn’t want to take the time to rewrite all the information into an integrated volume. We are in the efforting to wake you up and give you dated Journals for information–YOU must do your own homework. GOD has seen to it that the information come to your availability for decades but you have failed to notice. We only desire to alert you to that availability.]
These families are closely associated with one another through banking and marriage, but all are dominated by or are agents for the Rothschilds. Likewise, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York dominates and has controlling influence over the entire Federal Reserve System.
With the wealth of the world in their hands, what more could the ABs possibly want? Not surprisingly, they want nothing less than a world dictatorship, which is frequently referred to as a “New World Order”.
The drive to such a goal is a common theme in fiction and history and its realization is prophesied in Scripture. Detailed plans to actually bring this about have come to light in the past two centuries. Most of these have been ignored as fanciful fairytales or the ravings of lunatics. But the plans of the Illuminati, which was founded on May 1, 1776, were too well detailed and their activities too well traced to be a figment of the imagination. However, since the first priority of a conspiracy is to keep itself secret, they were forced underground and have operated under different names ever since.
Nevertheless, we can know them by their fruits. In 1848 Karl Marx published “The Communist Manifesto” under contract to “The League of the Just” which put forth a basic, ten plank program to “socialize the advanced nations of the world”. A comparison of his program with that which exists as law in America today reveals that we are now over 90% Marxist and the overwhelming majority of Americans are blind but practicing Communists! You decide which plan is in operation and decide whether you are American, Christian or Communist.
This world dictatorship already exists ‘de facto’. It only remains to be established ‘de jure’. In order to do this a world monetary system must be established, but first the current national monetary systems must be destroyed. Economic chaos must be created so that the people, suffering from extreme privation, will demand that the government “do something”. Naturally, it will.
The solution that will be presented, sooner or later, will be an “international currency” probably based on the ABs false alternative, gold. This will make the bitter pill easier to swallow by the naturally patriotic but mesmerized and economically illiterate Americans, who have been sold a bill of goods by the ‘economists’.
Plans for this system have been under way for decades and are now ready to be implemented. Do you still think this is impossible nonsense? Then perhaps the following words, from someone who ought to know, will convince you:
“The evidence is compelling that reconsideration of the world monetary system is overdue. Therefore, national economies need monetary coordination mechanisms and that is why an integrated world economy needs a common monetary standard, which is the best neutral inflationary coordinating device. But no national currency will do—only a world currency will work”.
These words were uttered by President Ronald Reagan at the 1983 Economic Summit AT ROCKEFELLER’S COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG VA. ESTATE. Yes, Reagan is an AB’s agent, just as almost every President since Woodrow Wilson has been, including George Bush. He was a member of Rockefellers’ Tri-Lateral Commission, as was ‘born-again’ Carter.
The numerous ABs front organizations, such as the Tri-Lateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, 1314, and hundreds of lesser organizations, all of which are financed primarily through the AB’s tax-free foundations, are virtually never mentioned in news media. [H: We are continually asked if we are a “tax-free” organization–YES INDEED—BUT ONLY BECAUSE WE NEVER MAKE ANYTHING ON WHICH TO BE TAXED! WE REMAIN INDEBTED TO THESE NERDNICS JUST TO BE ABLE TO CONTINUE TO PUT STAMPS ON THE DOCUMENTS WE MAIL.] Why not? Most of their presidents or chairmen belong to one or more of these semisecret organizations.
A monetary collapse is inevitable, and in the very near future. Without the knowledge provided herein, Americans in general and Christians in particular will become easy prey for the ABs. But all is not lost–yet. “The following monetary plan, if implemented, would enable us to trade without “the mark of the Beast”. The ABs, of course, will oppose such a plan being implemented nationally. However, after the collapse, it could be implemented locally.
The first step in solving a problem is to analyze it. Every problem is a result, or effect, of a cause. The reason for analyzing a problem is to determine its cause. When the cause of a problem is clearly understood, the solution usually becomes obvious.
Strangely, however, according to our monetary authorities and experts (bankers, economists, investment brokers, politicians, etc.) the subject of money is too mysterious for mere mortals to understand. Such things as the ‘business cycle’, ‘inflation’ and ‘depressions’ are blamed on everything from consumer, producer and worker ‘greed’ to the astrological (no relations to logical) position of the stars.
Of all the incredible facts presented herein, perhaps the most incredible of all is that Americans, who take great pride in their technological achievements, swallow these bald-faced lies hook, line and sinker. The fact of the matter is that money is a relatively simple subject and that business ‘cycles’ are deliberately and scientifically created by and for the benefit of those who control our money.
Inflation, depression and business cycles are symptoms, or effects, of a cause. What is the cause? The cause is an unstable supply of money with respect to the production of wealth! (A debt money system is inherently unstable.) Therefore, the solution is to provide an amount of money in circulation that is proportional to the production of wealth. This is relatively simple, but there are several factors to be considered. First, is the proper definition of some frequently misused words.
We define “money” as “a medium of exchange and a measure of value”, regardless of the form which it may take. There are two major forms of money; commodity money (gold, silver, etc.) and created (or fiat) money. A commodity money system is actually a barter system of trading one commodity with a certain market value for another commodity or service with a certain market value.
Incidentally, no commodity has ‘intrinsic’ value, which only humans have. All commodity prices in a free market result from the law of supply and demand. The price of gold, which is probably the most worthless of all metals for human use, is artificially established by the ‘gnomes’ of London and Zurich, by which they control the economic health of every nation.
Created money is the only thing man can create. It is created out of nothing but paper and ink or computer bytes, but represents, or is a claim on, wealth. Created money is not wealth. Wealth is that which men produce for human use through the intelligent application of energy to natural resources. ‘Fiat’ is a french word which means ‘So be it’, and in operation applies to an order or edict by authority. ALL paper money is ‘fiat’ money. However, as part of the ABs’ semantic subversion to control our thinking, ‘fiat’ is used as a term of approbation, applied to government issued debtfree money (U.S. Notes).
Money is the life-blood of society and performs the same function as blood does in our body, carrying food and oxygen to every cell and carrying away the waste products to sustain life. The blood system is actually a transportation system. Money may also be compared to a transportation system, as did Henry Ford:
“The function of money is not to make money but to move goods. Money is only one part of our transportation system. It moves goods from man to man. A dollar bill is like a postage stamp: it is no good unless it will move commodities between persons. If a postage stamp will not carry a letter, or money will not move goods, it is just the same as an engine that will not run. Someone will have to get out and fix it”.
However, our ‘engine’ was deliberately designed with a fatal flaw which causes it to self-destruct and it can not be fixed. It must be replaced with another engine of proven design but with a modern control system (cruise control) that will enable it to automatically adjust to changing power requirements (money volume) in order to maintain a constant speed (money value). If we pursue this analogy further, the steps necessary to implement an honest and stable money system become obvious:
First, the unConstitutional and criminal Federal Reserve System must be abolished and its primary function, money creation, taken back by the Congress to whom it belongs, both logically and legally (Art. I, Sec. 8, U.S. Const.).
Second, the new engine, of proven design, must be a debt-free money system similar to the tally system of England, the scrip issued by the colonies and the U.S. Notes which enabled Lincoln to preserve the Union and which have saved American taxpayers over 100 billion dollars in usury which would have been stolen by the ABs.
Third, a Standard of Value for money must be established as a reference so that any deviation from it may be quickly detected and corrected. To our knowledge, there has never been a Standard of Value established for money in the history of man.
At this point many may object, thinking, “The Coinage Act of 1791 established a standard of value”, or “The Gold Standard Act of 1900 established one”. No. What these and the other monetary acts of Congress did was to establish a temporary standard of weight and purity of gold or silver coins called a ‘dollar’.
Their ‘value’ was determined in the market-place by vendors and buyers who bartered them for other commodities. In a relatively static, agricultural economy, they served quite well as money. That is, until the ABs cornered the market on gold, forced it upon the people as the ‘standard of money’ and then “removed gold from circulation, as far as possible”. (Pro. #20)
The myth that gold or a gold-based money system is the only way to provide stable money should have forever been put to rest when our nation suffered the worst financial panics and depressions we ever endured between 1900 and 1934 when we were on a ‘gold standard’. Those who promote this phoney alternative today do so as shrewd agents or ignorant (without knowledge) dupes of the ABs. Incidentally, the Pavlovian conditioning of the American sheeple became obvious in 1933 when they turned in their gold under orders from the ABs agent, FDR. (It will be interesting to see if the sheeple’s grandchildren will turn in their guns when so ordered).
MON., AUGUST 24, 1992 4:46 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 8
From THE REVELATOR, by Carl Gorton:
One reason that a Standard of Value may never have been established is that it may have been considered impossible to do so. After all, every man values every thing differently from every other man and also differently at other times and places. Therefore, the first thing necessary to establish a ‘Standard of Value’ is to determine what the general requirements for all ‘standards’ are:
First, a standard must have similitude. That is, it must be similar to that which it measures. A standard of weight must have weight, a standard of length must have length, etc.
Second, a standard must have stability. That is, its value must remain constant under all conditions throughout the system which it serves. An inch is exactly the same length whenever and wherever it is used.
Third, a standard must have commonality. That is, everyone in the system must understand and have, or have easy access to, the standard unit. Most everyone in America knows what an inch is and has, or can easily obtain, a rule (standard) with which to exactly measure it.
Now, if we compare any commodity, and especially gold, against these criteria for a monetary standard with which to measure wealth, we find them to be woefully inadequate.
With respect to the first criterion, similitude, there is no relationship whatsoever. The value of gold is determined by its weight. While the price of many commodities (coal, wheat, meat, fruit, etc.) is determined by its weight, the price of manufactured goods bears little, if any, relationship to their weight, the major cost factor being that of labor.
With respect to the second criterion, stability, we find that gold is only chemically stable, that is, durable. (Is it possible that this word might derive from the Plain of Dura, where the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzer, first established The Gold Standard). As a commodity in the free market, its price would vary in accordance with the law of supply and demand. As a controlled commodity, its price has been less stable than the stock market, and for the same reasons.
With respect to the third criterion, commonality, while many people have gold wedding rings and some have gold fillings, very few have any gold coins, which could be used as money.
Furthermore, the vast majority of the worlds’ gold is owned or controlled by the ABs. Think about that.
Thus, it is obvious that of these three criteria for all standards of measurement, gold and silver meet none of them as a monetary standard.
Incidentally, the ‘gold bugs’ insist that money, in addition to serving as a medium of exchange and measure of value, must also be a store of value, which most of them erroneously refer to as ‘intrinsic’ value. But these are contradictory requirements. Money, in order to serve its function as a medium of exchange, must be kept in circulation and the faster it circulates (called ‘V’ for velocity) the better it serves that function as a medium of exchange. This is the reason for the need to continually mint large quantities of pennies, because many people fill jars or ‘piggy banks’ with them as a form of saving, often using them as convenient door stops. A better store of value would be gold. But the best are, in order of priority: STORAGE FOOD, WATER, FUEL, LEAD, SEEDS, TOOLS AND SILVER COINS.
Since no commodity has all of the criteria to serve as a monetary Standard of Value, what in the world does? A clue to what this might be is given in Revelation 18:12,13, which lists the treasures of end-time Babylon in descending order of value. The first are “cargoes of gold and silver” and the last are “slaves and human lives”. Yes, the lives of men are the least valuable thing in Babylon. Does this not prove that we live under Babylonian rule today, when we send our finest young men to fight, suffer and die in the ABs’ no-win wars and, even worse, permit helpless, unborn babies to be murdered by the millions?
If the Babylonian system is to be overthrown, then its value system must be reversed. Instead of everything being measured by gold or silver, the proper standard should be the lives of men. And how are the lives of men measured? By TIME! Yes, the perfect standard of value can be established based upon the time of men’s lives, or man-hours of work.
The price of all things can be, and frequently is, based upon the man-hours of labor required to make them and market them. The price of something is often quoted in terms of the average man-hours of labor required to purchase it, especially in comparisons between different nations or time periods. In fact, this is the conscious or unconscious means by which everyone determines the value of anything to himself; how much of his life (time) must he exchange for it? Most everyone is already aware of the fact that “Time IS Money”.
Let us arbitrarily establish our monetary standard as one average man hour of labor, which would be equivalent to setting the cruise control at, say, 60 mph. This new standard of monetary value should also have a name, so let’s call it a Manny (0) and its 1% division a Minny (o), for obvious reasons.
How well does a Manny meet the requirements for a standard? Let’s compare them and see. First, similitude. Labor time is the primary factor in determining the price of everything and also the value of everything to each person, as already mentioned. Second, stability. There is nothing more stable than time, which remains fixed through all generations and nations. Third, commonality. Nothing is more common among men than time, which is distributed to all men equally; 24 hours a day.
Everyone understands time and virtually everyone has its standard of measurement on his wrist–a watch. We measure and regulate our lives by time. For many things, there is no other means of measurement. This paper, for example. A dollar value cannot be placed on the work required to write it (which was about ten times longer than expected) nor on the many years required to study, research analyze, understand, and solve the problem. The only cost that can be placed on the effort is the time involved to accomplish it. Thus, we find that the Manny not only meets all of the requirements for standards in general, but uniquely serves as a monetary Standard of Value.
The Manny system may be instituted by any taxing authority anywhere in the world and trade could be conducted with any other Manny-based economy at par, since all Mannys would be issued against the same standard.
The taxing and money issuing authority would print, with a one year expiration date, as many Mannys as necessary to meet its authorized expenditures. These would be paid into circulation as wages to government employees and to contractors for goods and services. The AVERAGE wage paid would be maintained at the rate of, say, 1 Manny/hr.
How? Very simply. For government employees, the actual average wage paid is determined by dividing the total wages earned by all employees by the total hours worked by all employees. If the result is more or less than ONE, the pay rate would be adjusted accordingly.. For instance if there are 1,000,000 employees who worked 40,000,000 man-hours in one week and their wages totalled “O”39,604,000, then each employees’ actual pay would be increased 1% to maintain the standard of 1 Manny/hr. Actual individual wages might range from 40 o(Minnie)/hr. to 4 O(Manny)/hr., more or less.
This direct adjustment in pay would be fine for government employees, but what about those who are employed by business and professional and self-employed people? The earnings of entrepreneurs and professionals would not enter into the balance equation since that is confidential. The average wage of employees would be obtained from every employer doing business in the nation and the overall average wage easily calculated. If this figure varied from the standard, the government would increase or decrease its spending to maintain the standard.
With the Manny system, taxation to pay for government expenditures would not be necessary, since the government would print all the money necessary. However, money must be removed from circulation at a rate equivalent to its being spent into circulation or its volume would continue to increase until it became worthless (inflation).
With the Manny system the removal, or taxation could be the ultimate in equity and simplicity. As previously stated, the Mannys would be printed with a one-year expiration date, after which they would become worth less. However, they could be turned in to the tax collector within thirty days after they expired, for new Mannys which would be good for another year. However, the new Mannys issued would only be 90% (or other percentage determined by the taxing authority) of those turned in.
Practically all of the expired Mannys would be exchanged by businesses in relatively large volumes rather than by individuals, who would spend their about-toexpire Mannys, thus enhancing trade. Hence, most taxes would be paid by business in proportion to their profits and no income tax computations or payments would be required from anyone. Mannys which were lost or destroyed would accrue to the benefit of everyone since they would not be redeemed by the tax collector for new Mannys.
Anyone convicted of tampering with the Manny System, whether government employee, business employee or counterfeiter, should be sentenced to life working for the community.
- A stable money system based on a Standard of Value which everyone understands.
- Elimination of the present legalized system of organized theft and slavery through usury.
- Reduction of the tax burden by eliminating the income tax and IRS.
- No involuntary unemployment since ample money would be available to pay for labor that is available to do any needed job.
* * *
Not surprisingly, the ABs, who understand money better than anyone, intend to implement a similar system after they possess the world through the operation of their thieving system of usury, in order to keep their ‘cattle’ well-fed and docile.
Since it encapsulates all that has been said herein we will quote at length from Pro. #20 of the ‘master plan’ from which we quoted briefly previously:
“Today we shall touch upon the financial programme, which I put off to the end of my report as being the most difficult, the crowning and the decisive point of our plans. Before entering upon it I will remind you that I have already spoken before by way of a hint when I said that the sum total of our actions is settled by the question of figures (money).
“When we come into our kingdom our autocratic government will avoid, from a principle of self-preservation, sensibly (sic) burdening the masses of the people with taxes, remembering that it plays the part of father and protector.
“The tax upon the poor man is a seed of revolution and works to the detriment of the State which in hunting after the trifling is missing the big. Quite apart from this, a tax on capitalists diminishes the growth of wealth in private hands in which we have in these days concentrated it as a counterpoise to the government strength of the goyim–their State finances.
“A tax increasing in a percentage ration to capital will give a much larger revenue than the present individual or property tax, which is useful to us now for the sole reason that it excites trouble and discontent among the goyim.
“On no account should so much as a single unit above the definite and freely estimated sums be retained in the State treasuries, for money exists to be circulated and any kind of stagnation of money acts ruinously on the running of the State machinery, for which it is the lubricant; a stagnation of the lubricant may stop the regular working of their mechanism.
“The substitution of interest-bearing paper for a part of the token of exchange has produced exactly this stagnation.
“Economic crises have been produced by us for the goyim by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation. Huge capitals have stagnated, withdrawing money from States, which were constantly obliged to apply to those same stagnant capitals for loans. These loans burdened the finances of the State with the payment of interest and made them the bond slaves of these capitals.
“The present issue of money in general does not correspond with the requirements per head, and cannot therefore satisfy all the needs of the workers. The issue of the money ought to correspond with the growth of the population and thereby children also must absolutely be reckoned as consumers of currency from the day of their birth. The revision of issue is a material question for the whole world.
“You are aware that the gold standard has been the ruin of the States which adopted it, for it has not been able to satisfy the demands for money, the more so that we have removed gold from circulation as far as possible.
“With us the standard that must be introduced is the cost of working-man power, whether it be reckoned in paper or in wood (tallies?). We shall make the issue of money in accordance with the normal requirements of each subject, adding the normal requirements of each subject, adding to the quantity with every birth and subtracting with every death.
“Every kind of loan proves infirmity in the State and a want of understanding of the rights of the State. Loans hang like a sword of Damocles over the heads of rulers, who, instead of taking from their subjects by a temporary tax, come begging with outstretched palm of our bankers. Foreign loans are leeches which there is no possibility of removing from the body of the State until they fall off of themselves or the State flings them off. But the goy States do not tear them off; they go on in persisting in putting more on to themselves so that they must inevitably perish.
“If the superficiality of goy kings on their thrones in regard to state affairs and the venality of ministers or the want of understanding of financial matters on the part of other ruling persons have made their countries debtors to our treasuries to amounts quite impossible to pay it has not been accomplished without on our part heavy expenditure of trouble and money.
“How clear is the undeveloped power of thought of the purely brute brains of the goyim, as expressed in the fact that they have been borrowing from us with payment of interest without ever thinking that all the same these very moneys plus an addition for payment of interest must be got by them from their own State pockets in order to settle up with us. What could have been simpler than to take the money they wanted from their own people?
“But it is a proof of the genius of our chosen mind that we have contrived to present the matter of loans to them in such a light that they have even seen in them an advantage for themselves.
“Our accounts, which we shall present when the time comes, in the light of centuries of experience gained by experiments made by us on the goy States, will be distinguished by clearness and definite and will show at a glance to all men the advantage of our innovations. They will put an end to those abuses to which we owe our mastery over the goyim, but which cannot be allowed in our kingdom.
“You know to what they have been brought by this carelessness, to what a pitch of financial disorder they have arrived, notwithstanding the astonishing industry of their peoples”.
The ‘master plan’ was revealed in Russia nearly a century ago, although parts of it had come to light long before, especially in the plans of the Illuminati which was organized by Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776. Their symbol, declared to be the reverse side of the Great Seal of the U.S., appears on the back of our one ‘dollar’ bill and bears the inscription “Novus Ordo Seclorum”–A New World Order
* * *
The only thing the ABs fear is that GOD’s People will wake up to the fact that GOD’s Law is still alive and that HE meant what HE said in Deuteronomy 23:19:
Thou shalt not lend upon usury (interest) to thy brother,
and Leviticus 25:36, 37:
Take thou no usury (interest) of him, or increase; but fear thy God; that thy brother may live with thee. Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase.
While most Christians will readily admit that interest (usury) is condemned in the Old Testament, they have been taught to misunderstand the parable of Luke 19. First they are taught they are no longer under the Law, but under ‘grace’ and that the Law was ‘nailed to the Cross with Christ’. Indeed, superficial readings of various verses in question can lead to shallow and erroneous understanding of the lessons intended.
In the first place, God is the same; yesterday, today and forever. Secondly, Christ explicitly stated, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill (do). For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled”. (Matt. 5:17, 18)
So how can the parables misinterpreted be correctly understood? The key is found in verse 22 of Luke 19, “Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant”. What had the servant just said? He had just (falsely) accused his master (Christ) of being a thief! “…thou takest up that thou layest not down, and reapest that thou didst not sow”. In order to justify his own failure to obey and invest his Masters money! So his master proves the servant to be liar by asking the simple question, “If you REALLY believe I am a thief, then why didn’t you put my money in the bank along with the other thieves, so that on my return I would get my money back with usury”?
I suggest you continue to ponder these things, dearly beloved, for you are herein given a clear and precise picture of America’s condition, both when you were blessed by obeying and currently when you are under the curses for disobedience. This is painted in Deuteronomy 28. Verses 43-45 explicitly describe your economic condition today: “The stranger that is within thee shall get above thee very high; and thou shall come down very low. He shall lend to thee and thou shalt not lend to him; he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail. Moreover, all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou harkened not unto the voice of God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee”.
In light of the foregoing, we are forced to conclude that the ABs are merely the instruments of God to tempt us to violate HIS Law, and when we have done so, to chastise us. Men get the kind of government they deserve. (We can be thankful that we are not yet getting all the government we pay for!) The bottom line is that WE are our OWN worst enemies, or, in the words of Pogo, “We have met the enemy and they is US!”
* * *
Dharma, I see that your fingers will hardly continue so allow us to stop.
The author in point, Carl Gorton, can be contacted by writing The Revelator, Christian American Research League, C/O. Box 911, Cocoa, Florida 32922.
Hatonn to clear, please.